Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This is it (?)

I have to marvel at the irony of Michael Jackson's unwittingly apt title for his last album and movie, "This is it."

I have to think the flight attendants who were rude enough to interrupt the "spirited" discussion going on in the Northwest Airlines cockpit thought: this was IT for them too: had the pilots all died?

No, the pilots were just brain dead-victims of getting lost in time and space behind their laptops.

Somehow I doubt they were just looking so intently at their workschedules...

So, finally please tell me, how come I am not supposed to use my cell phone behind the wheel of my car YET pilots can overshoot their destination while flying a multi-ton jet through US airspace, ignoring radio commands, while using their laptops?

Don't they have anything else to do up there?

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