Friday, March 27, 2009

Moooooove your kosher meat buying online

Jewish meat eaters who relish glatt kosher meat know that the periodic trip to the kosher butcher as much as 2 hours away is a major pain in the rumproast.

Now you can order glatt kosher meat online while your salivary glands start into hyperdrive just looking at the online photos; a few days later you have the meat delivered to your door. It's the low-carbon footprint way of getting your glatt kosher meat.

Passover starts the evening of 08Ap09. That's soon.
Don't delay-tell your friends who buy kosher meat to have a look at The Golden West Cattle Company, this week's featured client. Special prices are on the website ahead of the holiday. And the website is fun to read as well.
Hag sameach (happy holiday in Hebrew)

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