Sunday, October 14, 2007

Blog Action Day-Environmental Theme

Tomorrow, October 15th, is Blog Action Day, where blogs can comment on the environmental aspects of what they do.

Simply put, don't mail payments to people or have them mail payments to you! Save the gas, paper, and reduce carbon emissions associated with business as usual for the past 100 years:
  1. don't create or mail paper invoices-email them with a link on the email to your website to accept online payment

  2. don't create paper checks: pay electronically by creating an ACH (e-check) and crediting the payee-saves postage, time, effort, gas and waste

  3. don't make your clients or customers expect that they have to mail you a check-accept payments electronically via e-check or credit card-and you can do that over the phone, e-fax (saves paper over regular fax), by email, or online

  4. ask your bank and credit card processor to convert you to electronic statements-you get them faster and without wasting the paper for an envelope or a stamp

That's only 4 ways. There are so many more which we can explore creatively and effectively. Ask us. Challenge us. We will find a way to make payments more environmentally-friendly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great tips - you guys have inspired me reagarding a post I'm writing for Blog Action Day! Thanks!